Jumat, 17 September 2010


Winners are people like you
winners take chances like everyone else, the fear failing, but they refuse to let fear control them
winners don't give up. when life gets rough, they hang in until the going gets better
winners are flexible, they realize there is more than one way and are willing to try others.
winners know they are not perfect. they respect their weaknesses white making the most of their strengths.
winners fall but they don't stay down. they stubbornly refuse to let a fall keep them from climbing.
winners don't blame fate for their failures, nor luck for their successes.
winners accept responsibility, for their lives.
winners are positive thinkers who see good in all things. from the ordinary, they make the extraordinary.
winners believe in the fath they have chosen even when it is hard, even when others can't see where they are going.
winners are patient. they know a goal is only worthy as the effort that is reguired to achieve it.
winners are people that believe in themselves. they make world a better place to be

Kodok dan Bunga Teratai

Suatu hari sikodok meloncat loncat di atas bunga teratai. Bunga teratai berkata “Jangan meloncati aku”. “Ya udah aku berenang ya”, lalu ia bermain dengan kodok kodok yang lain. Sehabis itu ia sarapan di rumah kodok, lalu ia berkata pada bunga teratai yang cantik, “Aku ingin kamu jadi istriku”, “boleh saja tapi ada saratnya”, kata bunga teratai. “Apa”, kata kodok. “Kamu harus bikin rumah yang besar”, kata bunga teratai iya jawab kodok lalu ia bekerja keras karena ia ingin mendapatkan istri setelah beberapa hari kodok bekerja keras akhirnya jadi bunga teratai sangat senang lalu bunga terataimenikah dengan kodok dan di kemudian hari bunga teratai melahirkan dan mempunyai anak anak itu bernama mawar mawar selalu sekolah dengan tenang dan mawar selalu berbakti kepada ayah d an ibu ayah si kodok bekerja mencari nafkah dan ibu si bunga teratai bekerja menjaga rumah semua keluarga hidup bahagia karena sudah menikah dan tamat